Penulis buku-buku Best Selling dan public speaker yang telah membantu 4 juta orang meraih tujuan hidup mereka. Bukunya juga telah dialihbahasakan ke bahasa Indonesia dan menjadi buku motivasi terpopuler, antar lain: The Psychology of Selling, The Way to Wealth (Melangkah Pasti Menuju Kekayaan), Create Your Own Future dll.
1. Cd audio mp3 pembelajaran : Accelerated Learning Techniques
Anda hobi membaca tapi sayangnya anda sering dan mudah lupa apa yang anda baca minggu lalu bahkan apa yang anda baca tadi malam? Mau tahu caranya agar dapat belajar lebih cepat dan ingat lebih banyak?Brian Tracy bersama Colin Rose memperkenalkan metode belajar lebih cepat, baca lebih cepat dan ingat lebih banyak. Metode ini bahkan menghemat waktu membaca anda hingga setengahnya, tidak itu saja tapi juga dapat diterapkan untuk mengingat nama-nama orang – bentuk serta fakta penting lainnya. Well, jika kita jadi pengingat yang baik pengaruhnya akan berimbas pada bisnis dan kesuksesan pribadi, apa saja itu?
- membaca lebih cepat dari sebelumnya
- meningkatkan produktivitas – imbasnya kita dapat hasilkan uang lebih banyak
- lebih kompetitif lagi di dalam bisnis
- kinerja pribadi meningkat
- meningkatkan kekuatan memori (ingatan) dan menajamkan konsentrasi 3x lebih cepat
- membangun Super Memory
Siapa saja yang harus mempelajari Accelerated Learning Tecniques? - semua orang yang ingin sukses termasuk anda ! Bacaan wajib untuk sales yang ingin meningkatkan penjualan, karyawan yang ingin maju, siapa saja yang ingin mencapai puncak karir.
Success Mastery Academy 1- 16
How to reach peak levels of performance in all areas of your life. Recorded live from Brian Tracy’s two day Success Mastery Academy. In thisMP3 audio edition, Brian shares over 1,000 ideas and strategies on how tohave dramatic increases in your business and personal career. This programcovers 2 full days and 16 modules. It comes with a complete digital workbookto capture every idea presented:
- Qualities of Master Achievers
- Managing Yourself & Others for Peak Performance
- How to Make Quantum Leaps in Sales & Business
- Time Empowerment
- Maximum Selling Strategies
- Positioning, Perception & Self-Image in Selling
- Persuasion, Negotiation, and Influence Skills
- Success and Self
- Motivation; The Magic of Self-Direction
- Personal Strategic Planning for High Performance
- How to Set and Achieve Goals
- Leadership, The Critical Difference
- Achieving Financial Independence
- Twenty One Traits of Self Made Millionaires
- Communication; The Master Skill of Powerful Relationships
- Achieving Success in Family and Business
- The Study of Millionaires
- The Law of Correspondence
- Why are Some People More Successful
- Success is Pychological
- Achievers are Ambitious
- The Top Ten Percent
- Develop the Habit of Courage
- Top People are Committed
- Top Salespeople are Professional
- Be Prepared
- Continuous Learning
- You are Responsible
- Action Commitment
- Self-Ideal_Self-Image and Self-Esteem
- Your Financial Comfort Zone
- Striving for Excellence
- Two Major Obstacles to High Performance
- Two Major Traps Based on Fear
- Becoming Unstoppable
- The Law of Cause and Effect
- Accelerating Your Success
- The Value of Education and Skill
- Contacts are Crucial
- The Freedom of Money
- Good Work Habits
- Developing a Positive Attitude
- The Impact of Image
- Creativity and Character
- Luck and the Law of Attraction
- Your Most Precious Resource
- Increasing Your Ability to Earn
- Becoming an Expert in Time Management
- The 80_20_Rules
- Three Activities of Salespeople
- Everything is Negotiable
- Reaching an Agreement
- Emotional Involvement
- The Element of Time
- Developing Options
- The Importance of Preparation
- The Law of Four
- Simple Negotiating Tactics
- Reopening Negotiations
- Seven Self-Motivators
- Seven Steps to Mental Fitness
- Positive Self-Talk
- Positive Visualization
- Positive Mental Food
- Positive People
- Positive Traning and Development
- Positive Health Habits
- Positive Action
- Staying in the Zone
- The Qualities of Leadership
- Clarity of Vision
- Think About the Future
- Courage and Character
- The Power of How
- Taking Risk and Going Boldly
- The Importance of Integrity
- The Reality Principle
- Truthfulness in All Things
- Commitment is the Catalyst
- Accept Responsibility
- Single-Minded Concentration
- Achieving Excellence
- Extraordinary Performance
- The Impact of Change
- Expanding Technology
- Global Competition
- Anxiety and Stress
- Goals Put You in Control
- Three Key Elements of Goal-Setting
- Your Area of Excellence
- Major Definite Purpose
- Your Five Most Important Values
- The Quick List Method
- The Millon Dollar List
- The Six Month List
- Your Hearts Desire
- Your Peak Experiences
- One Great Dream
- Goal-Setting Exercise
- Your Major Definite Purpose
- Your Income and Sales Goals
- Your Net Worth
- Month_Weekly_and Daily Goals
- Breaking Down Goals into Activities
- The Rules of Financial Independence
- The Values of Money
- Analyzing Investments
- Invest with the Experts
- The Law of Accumulation
- A Story of Saving
- Two Great Principles of Wealth
- dan lain2....
- Total 668 MB (1 DVD audio)
- Total 197 judul
- Durasi 17 jam
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